Welcome to the online handbook for Boards of Trustees of Catholic Schools. The New Zealand Catholic Education Office (NZCEO) has developed this resource to help Boards of Trustees focus on those aspects of a state-integrated school that differ from a state school.

The purpose of the handbook

While this handbook is meant primarily for Proprietors’ appointees, it is also applicable to trustees of Catholic state-integrated schools as well as principals and senior management teams. All share responsibility for the Catholic character of their respective schools through the contractual responsibilities set out in the Integration Agreement.

This site will be the location of the most update information, guidance and resources for boards of trustees.

A glossary of terms used in the Handbook is also available. 

Changes in Legislation

The Education and Training Act 2020 came into effect on 1 August 2020.

Many of the pages and resources on this website refer to legislation that no longer applies. Please bear with us as we update our content to reflect the changes in the new Act.

More information and support

Visit the NZCEO website for further information and resources.

There are excellent governance guides available from the School Trustees Association and Ministry of Education that cover aspects common to both state and state-integrated schools.


To provide your feedback of encouragement, ideas for improvement, or errors
please use the feedback form here…


Quick Links to Resources & Appendices

NZCEO Handbook download